Sunday, March 16, 2014

Thirty Rugs from Fourteen Women

 I have been getting wonderful feedback from people viewing the Wild & Wooly rug exhibit. The Mile High Rughooking Guild is presenting the works, but we are so grateful to have women outside of our guild who have contributed rugs to be enjoyed.

This exhibit showcases the diverse nature of rughooking. The variety of colors, patterns and hooking styles guarantees there is something for everyone to love.

The show goes on through March 30th at Koelbel Public Library in Centennial, CO. It is free during library hours.

Top photo: Spring Rabbit, designer unknown
Bottom photo: l to r, Cinched at the Waist by D. Gordon, Buffalo by T. Hansen, 1875 Ship at Sea by S. Kallin

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Wild & Wooly

Wild & Wooly
An Exhibit of Hand-hooked Rugs
 Koelbel Public Library
5955 S Holly St
Centennial, CO
(south suburban Denver)
March 2-30
Open daily & free to the public.

Looks like it has been awhile since I have had anything blog-worthy. This exhibit is definitely something to write about. I am so proud of the dozen plus women who contributed their rugs to be displayed at the Koelbel Public Library. The photos are just a sampling of the 30 rugs displayed in two galleries of the library. Getting the word out about traditional rug hooking as a fiber art can be difficult. I hope this brings a new awareness to the public about this fabulous art.

Top photo: Flow I detail by S Oppegard.
Bottom photo: Sample of rugs exhibited.